Jerry Jacobs Design | Contemporary Fireplaces Interior details. | Jerry Jacobs Design

Contemporary Fireplaces Interior details.

Contemporary Fireplaces Interior details.

Contemporary Fireplaces Interior details are a series of portions of home Interior Design and remodeling projects in different locations of the bay area, all including a fireplace as the main redesign or component of design concern, including: Waterfront home in Larkspur Lagoon, Marin, San Francisco Bay; Ranch House Angled Fireplace, Orinda, CA; A signature wall with fireplace in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California.


Waterfront home. Larkspur, Marin, San Francisco Bay, California.

Kitchen and Family room.

Contemporary Fireplaces Interior details in the Lagoon front home included widening a narrow entrance into the Family room made wider for better water view appreciation. We actually did Interior Architecture moving a structural wall. This allowed for a opening 6′ wide rather than 35″ into the view Family room Kitchen. New fireplace and aligned TV and in new angled wall, increasing areas, angled wood floors, Venetian stucco on walls, art hanging track, and baseboard reveal.

Kitchen in brown, was finished to encompass back doors, island and sink bay.

The project appeared at The Marin Independent Journal.


Angled Fireplace, Orinda, Contra Costa, San Francisco Bay.

Fireplace only. I meet the Lady on the plane, and she asked and I said why not. The old fireplace was in the same corner, however as a protrusion squarin out, so we angled the corner and then did the new fireplace.

The Fireplace mantle was salvaged personally from the San Francisco Bay, on clean the bay day. The stone was pink limestone.


Walnut Creek Signature wall family and dining room.

The third project in the Portfolio consists of an interior in progress. She called and asked us to design the wall only. We declined unless we could design the entire room, that is the Great room of the house, family-dining. Including the placement of a piano in the small room.This is the longest Cabinet wall we have design as a single piece at 33′ long. It is KD Knockdown though. Eventually when complete we will replace the photography.



Here we show more signature walls such as the one with a fireplace in Walnut Creek below. Home Libraries.

Or read  about Contemporary Bathroom designs on our blog.