Vanishing Edge pools, opposing mirrors, spiral staircases are all subject to ad infinitum. It is not the Object or its use but what it conveys to your mind.
I have always been fascinated with what is at the end. Where is the end? Is there an end? Endless and ahead, a road hard to complete. I have always been intrigued on where do the “Stairways to Heaven” lead to? Or where is the horizon, actually, the world keeps turning.
Architecture and Interior Design as does music, poetry,  film or other Arts can convey the meaning or the feeling of “Infinity”, “Eternity” or “Endless”, in some ways; or another dimension. If the purpose is to entertain, or is the purpose  simply to extend the perspective of the mind through the eye?
Arts work also in tandem with the Architecture or Interior Design of the space.
And then those which we have had a chance to design objects of Architecture or Interiors such  Vanishing Edge Pools, Opposing Mirrors, spiral staircases have noticed something similar happening there.
In the case of the Vanishing Edge Pools, the eye is telling certain points of perspective the there is no end to the pool, that it is actually part of the sea, or the horizon, and in the Opposing mirrors, we don’t really know if we are here or there, or is there another dimension. Who knows, who cares, I just care for the Art. The way in which an image or a space can not only fool the eye as in Tromp-l’oeil, but the mind as if we were really somewhere else. Just a dream.
At the Hacienda on the Beach, it was an easy choice. The beauty of the Caribbean Ocean, drags you in just like the song of the Siren.
Houzz Germany has included this Image with the following note “Noisy waves”. The so called noise, the sound of the waves, is actually my favorite sound.
Hacienda on the Beach. Architecture and Interior Design by Jerry Jacobs Design
At Villa on the Beach, they asked us to fit the largest possible pool, so we encompassed the Ocean. Architecture and Interior Design by Jerry Jacobs Design
At Townhouse “F”, when we joined the two level penthouse to the lower level unit, the terrace formerly adjacent to the living room, became the Master Bedroom Terrace.
Therefore we thought a Spa would be nice for the Master Bedroom. Why not make it a Vanishing Edge Spa. Finally why not have the water overflow on two sides at a corner rather than only one.
At waterfront Townhouse, the SPA off the master Bedroom, with a corner vanishing edge. Even a spa can have a vanishing edge or two. Architecture and Interior Design by Jerry Jacobs Design
If design comes with opportunities to transport the mind, then why not do so?
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8.2.24 The 9 highest roof top pools in the world.
Jerry Jacobs Design. San Francisco . Belvedere-Tiburon.  +1.415.435.0520    Contact