San Francisco Bay Green Living Rooms, is about exactly color. It is easy to see why San Francisco Bay Green Living Rooms occur or are popular. There is so much green around, the Golden Gate national park is huge, Conservation areas abound, best Golf courses in the World (Pebble Beach, yes part of the Bay Area area’s influence), and other inspiring reasons like the Green or Sustainable movements, we Californians are always at the forefront.
Seems like I didn’t use to like Green for Interiors when I started. I was all Black, White or Cream and Red, Blue, even yellow. I was trendy Gray, and Daylight green was not popular.
There are 3  we have done primarily in Green. First the Belvedere Tiburon Pied-à - Terre, then the Morgan Hill Taj and most recently La Casa del Alamo. Below we describe each project and why we chose Green,  we will show details of the Green products and list the fabrics and sources.
In this project the Living room- Main room, open kitchen, fireplace surround and Bar are Green, and so is the Love Seat. The client flew in from Austria to buy the 900ft2 Condo, we presented the project and it was approved.
The only question I asked was color. The next morning he said “Green that says good morning”. All the stone in fireplace, bar, kitchen, bathroom and bed credenza is the same Green Marble. It remains the same and looks good I hope after 25 years.
Mint leather white piping Love Seat, Flowers and Glass table and top, all shades of Green. Edelman leathers.
We started from scratch at this empty 12,000ft2 Villa, at the Southern end of the Silicon Valley, where it’s warner and land less expensive. The Estate includes a small vineyard, a covered pool and a temple. The Client and I decided green was the right color for the living room. They came from India and that is that National Color.
La Casa del Alamo.Alamo California.
Jerry Jacobs Design. San Francisco . Belvedere-Tiburon. +1.415.435.0520 Contact