Luxury Interior Design.
Luxury Interior Design.
Examples and their stories.
Luxury Interior Design for those who want Luxury, need Luxury or should have Luxury. What is luxury, or Luxury Interiors or Luxury Interior Design?
A lifestyle can be difficult in adversity of any kind. Or a lifestyle can be luxurious full of TIME and full of everything you want.
It has been said the biggest LUXURY is TIME. So you might not need to be wealthy to afford luxury if you have time.
For environments to be Luxurious and Elegant, the Best idea is to hire a professional designer and enjoy the help and the process.
Elegance! Aim at Elegance not Luxury.
Elegance is always Luxurious without being conspicuous. We don’t like to show off. However we always create a “Wow” effect with Quality and Style.
Generally speaking my clients make more money than I do. That is why they can afford me, and what I sell to them is my time.
So what kind of Luxury Interior Design do you need. In a Container like Elon just moved into, I would assume the appointment is functioning well, though I am not sure the Esthetic or Style would meet my standard.
Size should not be an issue. luxury or Elegance are not limited to Palaces or Villas. Yachts and Jets are particularly small. And a small space can be a Luxury Interior Design too. A good example of Luxury or Elegance is Villa Aurora in Rome, see link below.
Here are some examples of Luxury Interior all projects by Jerry Jacobs Design ©:
Luxury Interior Design. Pacific Heights, Presidio Heights and Buena Vista Park, San Francisco Penthouses.

This Penthouse in Buena vista Park, has the Luxury of a View. Big difference having one and not having one. The phrase a million dollar view, in some places actually costs a lot more. Here we devoted the 2 bays to Living area, by creating a dinning booth at the back also enjoying a dinning view as you are sitting up higher. We also introduced a glass floor foyer landing to communicate the two levels, and incorporated Architectural salvage pieces.

At the Pacific-Presidio Heights Penthouse, we had Gilding (Gold leave applied)on panel borders, as well as a set of Italian theater panels museum quality for the dining area, Tibetan bespoke rug, Indian mirror table at Paris in San Francisco.
Luxury Interior Design. Incline Village Private Lodge, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Lakeshore Drive, Lake Tahoe, Incline Village Nevada. Our third project for this family who just completed their 12,000 sq ft Lakefront Lodge  at Incline Village Nevada. The Great Room elevation facing the Lake. Five openings with sheers only all motorized. 4 roman on top, drapes below. Then a pair each Valance and panels. . The house has about 100 window openings, naturaly to control them they were Motorized and Automated,  about 100 motors. We used a single sheer double width fabric about 250 yards, and then different fabrics to die for for each room.  Insulation itself will save a lot of money, and automation a lot of work and time. A nice Luxury.
Luxury Interior Design & Architecture. Stinson Beach, Marin, California. Small Ocean front home.
Photos coming soon. For 8-10M you can get a small one level beach front home in Stinson Beach. Now that is a second home, hardly anybody lives there. The Ocean view dominates the scene
Luxury Interior Design. Cancun Hotel Zone, Waterfront Villa Mexico.
Luxury Interior Design. Villa on the beach Ocean elevation at night. Architecture and Interior Design by Jerry Jacobs Design ©
A 20,000 sq. ft home on the beach, with a 3 story central atrium a 70′ long vanish edge pool, all very convenient. In Cancun Mexico. Architecture and Interior Design by Jerry Jacobs Design.
A star commissioned the Design Build project then we built it for someone else. Lifestyles . Often a large home makes a statement as to who owns it and how important the person is. For a community that is important, it could be as in this case the owner is a well respected member of the communities.
Luxury Interior Design. Los Cabos. Music Star home, BC Sur, Mexico.
So she wanted a Vacation home a place for inspiration and a pool, we gave her that so she could write her songs and relax after entertaining seasons.

Luxury Interior and Exterior Design. Hacienda Style custom home in Los Cabos. Architecture and Interior Design by Jerry Jacobs Design.
The Vanishing edge fool and Waterfall Spa as well as all outdoor elements, are a part of the Luxury Interior Design area covered. Interior Architecture or Residential Architecture included. The Hacienda style was appropriate for the location and Star. We turn-keyed the job, they would visit on their private Jet regularly to meet and make some decisions. Only Good surprises.
Luxury Interior Design Marin. San Rafael, Marin California.The 200,000.00 Bathroom

This Principal Bath at Villa Altura, San Rafael, California, was a 400 sq. st.  project at the Marin Designers showcase, naturally a permanent room. Positioned at the Axis of this Beaux Arts Home. French limestone floor, Portoro tops, freestanding  racetrack vanity, murals and friezes by Carlo Marchiori, so my Proforma was 200K before the presentation. He said “It dosen’t mater what it costs so long as it looks twice as expensive” wise words. Interior Design by Jerry Jacobs Design.
Luxury Interior Design. London Flat. Pied a Terre for when you visit the city.
Photos coming up soon.
Luxury Interior Design Marin. Belvedere Tiburon one bedroom view apartment.

A one bedroom view apartment  in Belvedere- Tiburon, Marin, California, entirely gutted down and completed, design built and decorated. Turn key. The couple actually live in  Austria and have business in the San Francisco Bay Area, and visit regularly. No need to carry much and arriving at a second home just as you left it before. That is a Luxury. Interior Architecture and Interior Design by Jerry Jacobs Design.
We call our Luxury Interior Design “Timeless” as it has stayed the same for 30 years.
Luxury Home Interior Design Marin.
Luxury Home Interior Design Marin. Marin County in the North of the San Francisco Bay, has luxury of its own. I would say the open space. For a County so close to San Francisco the amount of open space is unbelievable. Also views. These 2 elements should be incorporated forest results in Luxury Home Interior Design Marin.
Luxury Interior Design. A Super Yacht and your own plane. Photos coming up soon.
Luxury Interior Design. Ok here is the deal.
Luxury is not only having the time but enjoying it in the right environment. What is the right environment for you. To lay down relaxing on a Caribbean Beach, or the night life in Singapore, or your own cup of tea. Lifestyles can be extreme. I will focus on a Luxury Interior Design that a large percentage of the population can afford. Is it affordable luxury. Maybe.
In California we live in a real estate you cant afford. Well I can, some of my Blue Chip clients can.
Elon Musk don’t quote me had 5-6 homes some in California and all ranging between 20-60M. The funny thing is he sold them all back in a couple of months. Apparently he lives in a Container somewhere. He smokes put and I do too. I love the Electric Car movement but don’t care for Tesla.
Other have bought Islands, and accumulate possessions.
Luxury Interior Design.
I like to think myself as a minimalist. Given the right Environment, the least your Architecture does is sometimes better. They cover roofs with landscape and burry homes at a cost for best insulation, a to reduce Global Warming. I love the Circular concept. But I also love Supersonic transportation and cant wait to try the New Generation of planes. Again the Luxury of reducing the TIME flight. SF London in 5 hours instead of 10-11.
Traveling First, is always better. More comfortable, regardless of the airline or train. You get some extras, more bathrooms hopefully clean, and maybe al on miles.
Why pay less when you can pay more. No Im not pulling your leg or asking you to through money away. All Im saying is make the best investment even when it costs more. You see quality remains long after the price has been forgotten. Remember what things used to cost. A lot then, but if you think of it that would be nothing now. So if you have the money spend it don’t buy second best for less money, buy First always if you can afford it. Build the Best Environment and Enjoy it. Remember you might have very little time.
That is sad we all have very little time, compared to the life of a Star, so enjoy every minute of it.
Luxury Interior Design.
If you can , hire turn key. The more a professional does for you the more time you have. However participate as necessary. It was Pididd, or Pidatit, who order 3-4 million interiors and arrived to say he didn’t like it and returned them.
Timeless is the word I like best for my personal style, somewhat sparse or minimalist but classic simplicity and high end. Different but simple. To last. When you buy new home, figure investing a substantial amount on the Interiors. Subject to what is there, f you need an addition and a pool and new kitchen an bathroom figure a lot more. The point is the style should be Timeless as it is a  mid to long term investment. It is not staging.
Style without function is no good. I will stop and crash and become a load of style. Sometimes you beautiful Classic Car no longer works. If you cant afford the luxury of maintenance you can afford the Buggati. We automate and systematize our projects so function is Paramount so the Style can last forever. I million miles on a car and still going was probably the best marketing Mercedes Benz ever did. I would keep mine for 15-20 years each.
Shop around.
It is hard to decide. There are so many beautiful options. The Space, the Light, the Art, the Furniture, rugs, curtains and so on, so that more than one option is acceptable. I like to say I translate my clients’s dreams, we research and offer options, but the right one’s.
We do price and quote and negotiate on our clients behalf but the clients always choose regardless of cost, once they know the benefits of what they choose and are paying for. That is the Luxury of affording what you want.
From dream to reality expertise helps.We have over 30 year and over 100 project completed, so we must have learned something even do fortunately there are surprises, discoveries, challenges and conquers too. You always learn more and each project you do is somewhat better that the previous one. I would say it is a Luxury to pay for experience, you buy knowledge. Mind you new minds are usually open minded. We specialize in extending the envelope. We always think outside the box, even after the years of experience.
The richest person in the world.
For a long time it was Bill Gates with his softdon’tware monopoly, the my friend Carlos Slim briefly maybe 1 year with his Celphoner monopoly, then Anancio Ortega with his Zara stores, the came Jeff Bezos with his retail monopoly and Elon Musk, with his electric car monopoly.
Guess what the richest recently was Bernard Arnault LVMH with his luxury empire. In the end Luxury brands have made him the wealthiest, including Fendi Home and many others.
I myself have the Luxury of having an easy going life. I don’t splurge and I have to have ends meet. Yet I feel like life is good. I’m downsizing, not into a container, but reducing my foot print as I realize time is becoming shorter.
DIY. Do it yourself is not Luxury. Luxury Interior Design is having someone that can do a better job than you and save you time and trouble.
Links and Sources.
- Villa Aurora in Rome for only 535M Interior on YouTube
- The priciest Zip codes of 2021. Not in NY mostb in California.
- On Bernard Arnault
- Luxury London. A magazine.
- 8/22/21 Forbes China speaks against… Luxury market
Link to our relevant projects.
- Belvedere Tiburon view condo
- Pacific Height Penthouse
- Buena Vista Park Penthouse.
- Villa on the Beach.
Thanks to my clients. I tremendously enjoyed working with you.
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Jerry Jacobs Design © 2025
San Francisco . Belvedere-Tiburon. Â +1.415.435.0520